dinsdag 11 december 2012


Ja!!!!!!! Ein-de-lijk gevonden op Marktplaats!!! Dit is ECHT jeugdsentiment. Vroeger hadden mijn zus en ik precies zo'n setje. Maar het is bij een verhuizing verloren gegaan. (Tip: doe geen spullen in een vuilniszak tijdens een verhuizing.... Grote kans dat dit dan ook inderdaad in de kliko belandt.... HOE zuur!) Maar goed, nu dus gekocht op MP. Kannie wachtuh!!!

Yes!!!!! Finalley found this at the internet! Reminds me of my childhood. My sister and me, we had exactly such furniture. We lost it when our mother moved to another house. But hey, now I bought it on the world wide web!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello from Spain: I hate removals. I always lose some things. I'm glad you've been able to buy such furniture as you were playing as a kid. I also like Scholl High School. You bought very cheap. Keep in touch

    1. thank you for your reaction Marta! In a little while I will post more. Than I will have my own room, a space for my houses, 1:6 and 1:12 size. Can't wait!

  2. I love the furniture too! Is it Barbie size? It looks very well made!

    1. Yes, the furniture is Barbie size. I think it will be another colour, because the orange doesn't fit... Thanks for your reaction!
